Sunday, December 10, 2006

Reminder to Send in Those Stories

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to remind people to submit their stories of Janet to <>, we have a few good ones so far but I'd like to get more. I understand everyone is in exams or working, so theres no rush. I thought I'd share a few exerpts that I've received so far.

Brent Tweddle

"I have many memories of her, but the one that I hold dearest is the one I encounter everyday, that of opening yourself up, being vulnerable, and ultimately recieving the greatest gift in return, friendship." - Rajat Mathur

"She was so "funky", cool, and her personality was so intriguing which is why she made so many friends and people found her interesting. There was never a dull moment when Janet was around." - Leticia Kwok

"She made her mind up and worked to honour what she knew was right; because it was right not because of personal gain or because it was easy." - Eric Praetzel

"Everyone had a crush on Janet, and I was no exception. The first time I ever saw her, I'm certain I stared at her like a weirdo for an exceptionally inappropriate length of time." - Eric B.

"Janet stomped her foot and yelled 'You never learned nuttin from me, you are just trying to win me over with fancy rhetoric!' Although she was right about the fancy rhetoric, she was wrong in that in only three months she had already taught me so much." - Brent Tweddle

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