Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Lifetimes Feature on Janet in KW's The Record newspaper

A story on Janet will be featured in Kitchener/Waterloo's The Record this Thurdsay, December 21st. Look for the Lifetimes feature.

Friday, December 15, 2006

More of Janet's Old Websites Found

Stupid Werld

Imaginary Lovers Anonymous (Best viewed in Internet Explorer, Firefox renders it poorly)

Thanks to Tausif for finding these.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Reminder to Send in Those Stories

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to remind people to submit their stories of Janet to <janetyipstories@gmail.com>, we have a few good ones so far but I'd like to get more. I understand everyone is in exams or working, so theres no rush. I thought I'd share a few exerpts that I've received so far.

Brent Tweddle

"I have many memories of her, but the one that I hold dearest is the one I encounter everyday, that of opening yourself up, being vulnerable, and ultimately recieving the greatest gift in return, friendship." - Rajat Mathur

"She was so "funky", cool, and her personality was so intriguing which is why she made so many friends and people found her interesting. There was never a dull moment when Janet was around." - Leticia Kwok

"She made her mind up and worked to honour what she knew was right; because it was right not because of personal gain or because it was easy." - Eric Praetzel

"Everyone had a crush on Janet, and I was no exception. The first time I ever saw her, I'm certain I stared at her like a weirdo for an exceptionally inappropriate length of time." - Eric B.

"Janet stomped her foot and yelled 'You never learned nuttin from me, you are just trying to win me over with fancy rhetoric!' Although she was right about the fancy rhetoric, she was wrong in that in only three months she had already taught me so much." - Brent Tweddle

Thank You All

The Yip family wants everyone to know that they are very thankful for all who could make it to the funeral, and for all your kindness and condolences in this difficult time.

On their behalf, thank you.

Ian Halliday

Originally posted on the Janet's Funeral event on Facebook on December 9th at 11:45 pm

Hi everyone,

Thanks for attending the service today, my family and I really appreciate all your support. We will continue to stay strong and cherish our precious memories with Janet, as we are sure you all will.

Sorry for the short words today, I had really hoped to speak to more of Janet's friends. I would be happy to keep in contact with all of you- just add me on Facebook and leave me a message -- I'll definitely reply. :):)

You are all very nice and have very kind hearts. Again, thank you for your support, and please take care. :):)

Jennifer Yip

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Idea - Write a Letter to Janet

Janet's aunt suggests that, if you want, write a letter to Janet, seal it up and bring it to the funeral.


From Jennifer Yip

Also, in Chinese tradition, it is bad luck to mention any names at all.

Thus, please refrain from mentioning your own name in the letter as well as other people's names. Instead, refer to them by their relation (i.e., mother, father, friend, professor)

Of course, mentioning Janet's name is not a problem.

Please seal the letters and bring them to the funeral.

Thank you.

Funeral Details

Date: Saturday, December 9th, 2006

4164 Sheppard Avenue East
Agincourt, Ontario M1S 1T3
416 293-5211

11A - 12P: Visitation and Reception (Food will be served during the reception but must be eaten in a separate room)
12P - 1P: Service
After the service, cremation will take place at Highland Funeral Home & Cremation Center.
Guests are welcome to witness the cremation (up to 80 people allowed).

Sending flowers:
All flowers should be delivered straight to OGDEN FUNERAL HOME and NOT to the Yip family's house. Delivery should take place friday night or saturday morning. There is a floral shop within walking distance to the funeral home called Alyssa Flowers & Plants [Tel: (416) 609 9202]. Please organize floral arrangements as a group -- rather than 80 small floral bouquets (or whatever they're called), it would be preferable to have 10 to 20 nice big floral decorations. I recommend we do this as high school friends, mech eng friends, ece friends, and everyone else (coworkers etc). Also please do NOT order online as this places a great deal of stress on both the floral shop and the funeral home.

Also please do not order any flowers that are bright red. Pink is fine, but Janet's family requests that bright red coloured flowers are not to be sent.

There will be a slideshow at funeral, so anyone with videos or pictures of Janet please let me or Jennifer know. Pics can be emailed to janetyipphotos@gmail.com. Please do not email pictures to anyone's personal address so that they are not spammed.

Other details:
-There will be no religious readings, please do not plan anything of the sort.
-Janet's family would like everyone to think of this as a last Christmas party for Janet.

Dress Code:
Please dress appropriately for a funeral. This means somber formal dress.

Transportation from UWaterloo Campus:
Please do not worry about transportation. If you do not have a car we will arrange transportation. If you are driving you will be reimbursed for gas.
Please e-mail Kate ( krkelly@engmail.uwaterloo.ca) if you have a car and are willing to carpool. Otherwise we may be organizing a bus.

If you have not already. It is very important that you RSVP to Ian (ianwjhalliday@gmail.com) that you are attending.

There has been an email sent out that detailis the funeral and donation details. If you have not received it please email Ian (ianwjhalliday@gmail.com) he can sort out the details for you. Sorry, we've tried to get everyone's email, but I'm sure we've missed many of you.

Tell Your Stories of Janet

Originally posted on the Janet's Funeral event on Facebook on December 1st, 2006 at 10:32pm

I would like to put together a collection of stories/writings/artwork/anything else on the life of Janet Yip and am asking for people to email contributions to janetyipstories@gmail.com. My hope is that this collection can be published in early January for everyone to read (the details are not yet worked out).

I would like this collection to focus on celebrating Janet's wonderful life - rather than the recent tragedy. Feel free to send in short stories, long stories, poetry, essays, artwork, quotes, jokes or any other thing you can think of. Anyone can contribute, it doesn't matter if you knew her for 23 years or met her once at a bus-stop.

The email is:

Don't forget, if you have photos you would like to be shown at the funeral, send those to:

[Brent Tweddle]

Janet's Writings

Originally posted on Janet's wall on Facebook on December 2nd, 2006 at 2:33 am

Janet was an insightful, hilarious writer. Through some digging we've found some of her old sites and there's a lot of material up there. I will be searching, archiving, and sharing her writings in the coming weeks but for now here's some links to her work.

Some of her most recent writings:

An older version of her site with some different writings:

Her site in high school (version retro) which has a ton of material:
On that page, be sure to check out the link to her children's book Mr. Hungry

-Tausif [Kaderdina]

More Insight

Originally posted on the Janet's Funeral event's wall on Facebook on November 30th, 2006 at 6:51pm

To provide more insight on what happened:

Janet was admitted to Brockville General Hospital early Monday morning and was quickly transferred to Kingston General Hospital. She was diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia.

Unfortunately, the acute promyelocytic leukemia affected her organs. Her kidneys had stopped producing urine and had completely failed by Wednesday morning. She had a severe infection in her lungs which needed her to be put on life support. She also suffered from pneumonia because of this.

All the life support machines were working at maximum capacity, unfortunately it was not enough to save our dearest Janet.

She passed away peacefully in the Intensive Care Unit at Kingston General Hospital with her family and friends by her side.

[Jennifer Yip]

In Loving Memory of Janet Yip (Feb 12, 1983 - Nov 29, 2006)

Originally posted on Jennifer Yip's notes on Facebook on November 30th, 2006 at 6:13pm

Janet Chuk Pui Yip passed away peacefully on November 29th, 2006 at Kingston General Hospital in the Intensive Care Unit. She fought a difficult battle against acute promyelocytic leukemia.

The Yip family would like to extend their thanks to the kind doctors, nurses and specialists at KGH who tried their hardest to save our dearest Janet, and to her friends for their neverending support.

RIP Janet Yip

Originally posted on Janet's wall on Facebook on November 29th, 2006 at 10:09 pm

I regret that I must post this but all of Janet's friends whom I have not been able to contact directly need to know.

Janet passed away early this afternoon. I don't know all the details. Her sister called to tell me. She said that Janet had gone to Brockville hospital early Monday morning where they diagnosed her with acute promyelocytic leukemia and moved her to Kingston hospital. She was in the ICU but the leukemia attacked her liver and her life support wasn't enough to save her. Her family was with her along with her roommate from Kingston.

There will be a visitation and funeral service in Markham, most likely on Sat Dec 9. After the funeral, she will be cremated. The service and cremation will happen on the same day so that those coming from out of town will not have to stay over night. Her family needs a rough estimate of how many will be attending, so if you will, please let me know. Also, the service is an unfortunate financial surprise for her family, so I will be collecting donations from anyone who can donate to offer to her family to help relieve them from this distressing event. I'd like the donation to be independent of the service itself, so please don't wait until then. Money is ugly to talk about at a time like this.

You can contact Jennifer Yip, Janet's sister, at lunchbag@gmail.com if you wish, and myself at ianwjhalliday@gmail.com.

I will miss you Janet, Shirlia, JaneFatale, my closest friend.

Ian [Halliday]